Fibroids Miracle is a powerful program that teaches you how to permanently heal and eliminate all types of uterine fibroids using a simple, 3-step system. It comes with two treatment plans to use – a Quick Results program and the Complete System. The first option is, as you may have guessed, a program that narrows in on the absolute essentials so you can get started right away. The complete system offers more detailed information about the healing process. Most importantly, both help you learn effective steps you can take to start eradicating fibroids. You also receive all the supportive materials needed for an easy, organized and stress-free experience. This includes a sleep optimization plan, food lists, stress management strategies, exercise guidelines, soothing breathing techniques, detox remedies, three-day juice cleanse, supplement recommendations, and so much more.
Here’s a deeper look at what you can expect:
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Ten Facts about the System
How to Get the Most from the Book
Get Rid of Uterine Fibroids Holistically
2. Chapter 2 – All About Uterine Fibroids
Section One – The Truth About Uterine Fibroids
What Are Uterine Fibroids?
What Role Does the Uterus Play in Fibroids?
The Real Cause od Uterine Fibroids and their Related Symptoms
How Do You Hormones and Menstrual Cycle Affect Fibroids Growth
Can Your Emotions Affect Fibroid Growth
What is the Cancer/Fibroid Connection
Who’s at Risk for Fibroids
Types of Uterine Fibroids
Signs and Symptoms
Section Two – Holistic Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine in the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
Natural Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine (The Crucial Differences)
Conventional Treatments for Uterine Fibroids
What Drug Treatment Options Are Available for Treating Fibroids
What Medical Therapies Are Available to Fibroid Sufferers
What Surgical Options Are Available for Treating Fibroids
The Holistic Medicine Way
3. Chapter 3 – Managing the Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids
Clear Steps to Manage the Symptoms of Fibroids
4. Chapter 4- The Quick Results Mini-Program
Introduction to the Quick Results Mini-Program
The Quick Results Mini-Program
5. Chapter 5 – The Holistic System
Introduction to the Full System
Section One – The System
Step 1: The Uterine Fibroid Control Diet (Seven Principles)
Basic Elements of a Healthy Uterine Fibroids Diet
Uterine Fibroid Sinners
Uterine Fibroids Friendly Foods and Healing Foods
Alkaline Acid Balance
Raw Food
Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
Food Allergens
Optimizing Digestion
Step 2 : Enhancing Immunity and Uterine Fibroid
The Immune System
Immune Supporters and Suppressors
Diet and Immune Function
Lifestyle, Mood, Stress, and Immune Function
Boosting Thymus Gland Function
Uterine Fibroid and Immune Function Supplementation
Step 3: Internal Cleansing and Liver Detoxification
Three Day Juice Cleanse
Getting Rid of Parasites – One Week Program
Liver Detoxification
Getting Rid of Environmental Toxins
Eradicating Candida Yeast Infection
Simple Home Test to Discover the Severity of your Candida
Anti-Candida Supplements
Replenishing and Re-Colonizing the Friendly Bacteria
Section Two – During The Program – Stress Control, Sleep Optimization and Exercise
Stress and Uterine Fibroids
The Wonders of Meditation and Correct Breathing
The Importance of Laughter
Exercise and the Uterine Fibroid Connection
The Exciting World of Photography
Stress Control Through Mind Techniques
Sleep Optimization Plan
Section Three – How to Prevent Uterine Fibroids and Maintain a Fibroids-Free Environment
Appendix 1: Complementary Treatments for Uterine Fibroids
Lymph Drainage Massage
Digestive massage
Appendix 2: Uterine Fibroids Detoxification Diet
What is Detoxing
Symptoms While Detoxing
Daily Guidelines During Detox
What to Eat During Anti-Uterine Fibroids Detox
What to Avoid During Anti-Uterine Fibroids Detox
Suggested Two-Day Uterine Fibroids Detox
Appendix 3: The Ayurveda Detoxification Program
The Detox Diet
Detoxification Herbs
Detoxification Lifestyle and Meditation
Appendix 4: Liver and Gallbladder Flush
One-Day Liver and Gallbladder Flushing
What to Do After Each Liver Flush
Our Opinion
Advantages of the Program
Well, considering studies show that 93% of women taking conventional treatments only experienced temporary relief, the first advantage worth mentioning is that you can eliminate uterine fibroids for good using this program. It’s all 100% natural, clinically-researched and backed by hours upon hours of medical research, which is a great boost of confidence. Speaking of which, the program also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out risk-free before even deciding if it’s for you.
I liked how simple the actual healing protocol was and how informative the program was as a whole. It sure doesn’t miss a beat. The digital version also makes it easy to use the program as needed – anytime, anywhere.
Disadvantages of the Program
If I had to recommend one thing, it would be to have the option to download the program in audio format, so you can listen and learn Fibroids Miracle on the go.
Fibroids Miracle is a clinically-researched 3-step program that teaches you natural remedies for healing and eliminating all types of uterine fibroids for good. It’s quite simple and can easily be implemented into your day, as very little of your time is needed. And hey, the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee even allows you to try it out risk-free for two months.
Does Fibroids Miracle offer a physical version?
No, the program is completely digital, meaning you receive instant access and can use the program right on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Plus, you don’t have to worry about a potentially embarrassing package arriving on your doorstep. Alternatively, you can download and print the guide off at home or in a print shop if you’d prefer a physical copy. Are all types of fibroids covered?
Yes, the program was designed specifically to cover all types of uterine fibroids, including subserous, submucosal, intramural, pedunculated, cervical, intracavity and broad ligament fibroids. Is the healing protocol safe?
The program focuses solely on natural remedies, so it should be safe for everyone to use. However, if you have any concerns, you may wish to speak with your doctor first.
Is there a discount?
There have been no discounts offered for this program, as it is already reasonably priced. However, if this were to change, it would be announced on the author’s official website.
Where can I contact the author if I have a question regarding the program?
The author and her team can be contacted on their official website. You can also leave us a comment or send us a question below and we’ll do our best to assist you.